Archives: Portfolios

  • Film

    ** This page is mid-development, please check back in a couple weeks ** Foreign film, independent film and documentaries are at the top of my film interest list. I enjoy screening Academy award winners and festival award winners of past and present. A dream of mine is to attend (for work and for pleasure) every…

  • Music

    ** This page is mid-development, please check back in a couple weeks ** I am a huge music nerd who is passionate about the history of music. I listen to almost anything and everything I can get my hands on, I love to chat about what people are listening to and share music suggestions. My…

  • Public Speaking

    ** This page is currently mid-development – check back in a couple weeks ** Girl Geek Dinners presentation on Personal Social Media WordCamp Melbourne (WordPress Conference) 30 minute presentation on ‘Documenting Life Through Blogging’ (Read a review) Ted 2013 Audition  

  • On Camera Experience (Live & Recorded)

    On Camera Experience (Live & Recorded)

    On Camera Experience March, 2018 | Canadian Oscars Red Carpet | International Facebook Live Stream Click to read the story! July, 2014 | Fan Q & A with Australian band British India | Live Google Hangout June – September, 2012 | JumpCast Series | Self-Produced Video Content Creation    May, 2012 |