Author: Jess Genevieve Brown

  • Unmasking JGB

    Unmasking JGB

    6 months ago, I took yet another leap of faith… and like all the many times I’ve taken a big risk and blindly believed I would land on my feet, I did exactly that! Did things go the way I thought they would? NOPE. Did I get what I thought I wanted? Not at all.…

  • I’m going on an adventure.

    Okay. So… I have a story to tell. I am here to record a story. I just want to paint a picture of what’s going on around me. I’m sitting on the comfiest couch. Pillowy, cushiony, in the middle of a room that is surrounded by glass, and I have a sunset playing out before…

  • “It’s all a work in progress, it’s all happening.”

    “It’s all a work in progress, it’s all happening.”

    Birth Chart Reading with Eléonore March 23, 2023 – Chiang Mai, Thailand What follows are the notes I took during my birth chart reading. The readings I’ve had over the past 3-4 years have felt so deeply accurate. I find it really hard not to believe in this woo-woo stuff when all of the things…

  • With every ending comes a new beginning.

    I sense a big shift taking place as I enter this new year. With every shift comes a looming sense of uncertainty, which always triggers fear within me. I’m sitting in the discomfort as I type these words out. I would describe the feeling as impending doom, as if a cloud of darkness hangs overhead…

  • Self-diagnosis Breakdown

    Self-diagnosis Breakdown

    Last week a friend posted an article on Facebook entitled The lost girls: ‘Chaotic and curious, women with ADHD all have missed red flags that haunt us. The byline drew me in: “After multiple burnouts in my early 30s I finally knew why life sometimes felt harder for me.” That one sentence really hit home.…